Super Series 2020 Virtual Gala !!
Hello all,
We are excited to announce that NEWTOWN SWIMMING CLUB are taking part in the Swim Wales Super Series virtual gala - we hope that we can have some friendly racing over the coming weeks to introduce our younger swimmers to competitions and to keep our experienced swimmers well practiced.
Please click on the link above for the guidance document to the Swim Wales Super Series 2020. This is a free to enter national virtual swimming meet open to all members of Swim Wales so we will be taking part in the competition during our club sessions. Stage one is taking place over the following three months with timing taking place during three specific weeks, one in October, next week, and two in November, followed by a Super Final in December.
The above guidance document lists the events that can be entered. Swimmers can choose as many of the events they wish to enter, THEY MUST HOWEVER BRING A WRITTEN LIST OF THOSE EVENTS TO EACH TIMING SESSSION!
You will notice that the events are for swimmers aged 9 and over, so to include our youngest swimmers we will run a leader board of our own and a prize (yet to be decided) will be awarded at the same time as the Super Series.
The gala will be held during our usual club training sessions. Sessions for those specific weeks will be slightly different in that they will all focus on the Super Series. For swimmers who feel they do not want to enter any events coaches and lanes will be available for them to have their usual session.
However, I am expecting all our swimmers to attempt at least one or two events. I wish to emphasis this is a fun national event where the normal stringent rules will be relaxed to enable all swimmers to enter.
The coaching group are excited to see how our swimmers will perform after only two months back in the water after 5 months out of the water. I think we will all be very pleasantly surprised.
Thank you,
Paul Hillman,